Muri Bhalissa: Peru - Bolol tal-posta (1857 - 2025) - 36 bolol.
13. January WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Poets, Tip AFC]](
![[Poets, Tip AFD]](
5. March WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[The 450th Anniversary of Trujillo, Tip AFE]](
14. March WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Coat of Arms, Tip AFF]](
![[Coat of Arms, Tip AFG]](
5. April WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[Restoration of Chan-Chan, Tip AFH]](
11. April WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Flora, Tip AFI]](
11. April WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Peruvian Industry, Tip AFJ]](
30. April WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[The 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Saint Rosa de Lima, 1586-1617, Tip AFK]](
16. May WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Daniel Alcides Carrion, 1857-1885, Tip AFL]](
20. May WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[The 16th International Pacific Fair, Lima, Tip AFM]](
23. May WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[International Youth Year, Tip AFN]](
27. June WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[The 205th Anniversary of Vilcapaza Rebellion, Tip AFO]](
8. August WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[The 40th Anniversary of the United Nations, Tip AFP]](
11. August WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[National Heroes, Tip AFQ]](
18. August WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Flora, Tip AFR]](
19. August WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[Peruvian Navy, Tip AFS]](
![[Peruvian Navy, Tip AFT]](
26. August WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Costumes, Tip AFU]](
29. August WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[Tourism Day, Tip AFV]](
4. September WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[The 25th Anniversary of Inter-American Development Bank, Tip AFW]](
12. September WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Flora, Tip AFX]](
15. September WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[Beatification of Sister Ana of the Angels Monteagudo, Tip AFY]](
23. September WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[The 75th Anniversary of Trans-Alpine Flight by Jorge Chavez Dartnell, Tip AFZ]](
26. September WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[National Vaccination Days, Tip AGA]](
1. October WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Peruvian Journalists' Fund, Tip AGB]](
4. October WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Fauna, Tip AGC]](
7. October WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[Navy Day, Tip AGD]](
![[Navy Day, Tip AGE]](
12. October WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[Tourism Day, Tip AGF]](
31. October WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13¼
![[The 35th Anniversary of Institute of Higher Military Studies, Tip AGG]](
3. November WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Postal Workers' Christmas and Children's Restaurant Funds, Tip AGH]](
14. November WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Fauna, Tip AGI]](
19. November WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Jose Galvez Barrenechea, Poet, 1885-1957, Tip AGJ]](
3. December WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[Christmas, Tip AGK]](
19. December WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼ x 13
![[The 25th Anniversary of "Senati", National Industrial Training Organization, Tip AGL]](